Hi, I’m Casey. Lately I’m getting into biology, learning about foundational models (e.g. Evo and ESM3) and also wet lab basics. I hope to have more to share around bio soon.
I used to be focused on crypto/ethereum. From 2015-2020, I was doing Ethereum core development. Some highlights I have fond memories of:
Working with the EthereumJS/Ewasm team. Learned a lot about the EVM, wasm engines, and the runtimes of various crypto functions.
Discovering a consensus bug in the BN pairing precompile, and working with the security team on fuzz testing.
Talking a lot about the roadmap, including stateless clients, eth1x, and eth2 phase one.
Attending several IC3 events, including the 2016 event where I participated in prototyping a zksnark feature.
Working very briefly at String Technology, which became Dfinity.
Being early to write about AMMs (Automated Market Makers). AMMs became popular later in the form of Uniswap and CFMMs in DeFi.